
Alexander Thiele

Allgemeine Staatslehre

Begriff, Möglichkeit, Fragen im 21. Jahrhundert

[General Theory of the State. Definition, Potential, Questions in the Twenty-First Century. 2nd edition.]

2nd edition; 2022. XIII, 402 pages.
26,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-5814-6
available from utb
Published in German.
What are the characteristics of the modern state? And what challenges does it face in the twenty-first century? These and other highly topical questions are addressed in Alexander Thiele's textbook. With its special focus on the democratic constitutional state, the work is aimed as much at students of law, politics, and economics as anyone interested in the »nature of the state« and its future.
What are the characteristics of the modern state? And what challenges does it face in the twenty-first century? These and other highly topical questions are addressed in Alexander Thiele's textbook. With its special focus on the democratic constitutional state, the work is aimed as much at students of law, politics, and economics as anyone interested in the »nature of the state« and its future.

Alexander Thiele ist Professor für Staatstheorie und Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Staats- und Europarecht an der universitären Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaften der BSP Business and Law School in Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: Der Staat — 60 (2021), 515–518 – zur 1.A. / for the 1st ed. (Thomas Vesting)
In: Justament — – zur 1.A. / for the 1st ed. (Matthias Wiemers)
In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt — 6 (2021), 378–379 – zur 1.A. / for the 1st ed. (Thomas Meyer)
In: Sächsische Verwaltungsblätter — 2020, 331–332 – zur 1.A. / for the 1st ed. (Helmut Goerlich)
In: ekz-Informationsdienst — ID bzw. IN 2020/26 – zur 1.A. / for the 1st ed. (Klaus Hohlfeld)