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Cornelia Weber
Altes Testament und völkische Frage
Der biblische Volksbegriff in der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft der nationalsozialistischen Zeit, dargestellt am Beispiel von Johannes Hempel
[The Old Testament and the Volkish Question under National Socialism. The Biblical Concept of 'Volk' in Old Testament Studies during the National Socialist Era - The Case of Johannes Hempel. By Cornelia Weber.]
2000. XIII, 352 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-157816-8
The volkish ideology which had become well established during the Third Reich was centred entirely around the Germans and proclaimed their superiority over the Jews. Cornelia Weber examines the interpretation of the biblical concept of 'volk' by focusing on Johannes Hempel, who had acquired an international reputation as a Professor for Old Testament Studies and as the editor of the ZAW (Journal for Old Testament Studies) and who joined the German Christians in 1933. Hempel did not see any inconsistency between his work on the Old Testament and his political commitment to the National Socialist state.