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»Amt und Ordination« und »Kirchenrecht« im Grund und Gegenstand des Glaubens
Theologische Studien zur römisch-katholischen und evangelisch-lutherischen Lehre
Edited by Eilert Herms and Lubomir Žak
[»Ministry and Ordination« and »Canon Law« in the Foundation and Object of Faith. Theological Studies on Roman Catholic and Protestant Lutheran Doctrine.]
2024. XXIII, 619 pages. Published in German.
The different views on the whole of the church’s doctrine explicating the »fundamentum fidei« (the revelation of Christ) are also the basis for the difference regarding the origin, nature and authority of the ordained ministry, including the difference concerning the authority to decide on the law and order of the church, either in the episcopate under its Petrine head or in regional church synods. There is no »visible unity« unless this difference is dealt with, though it has never been a topic of dialogue by now.