Stephan R. Jütte
Analogie statt Übersetzung
Eine theologische Selbstreflexion auf den inneren Zusammenhang von Glaubensgrund, Glaubensinhalt und Glaubensweise in Auseinandersetzung mit Jürgen Habermas
[Analogy Versus Translation. A Theological Self-Reflection Debating the Relations Between Faith's Ground, Content and Form with Jürgen Habermas.]
2016. X, 299 pages. Published in German.
Stephan R. Jütte debates Jürgens Habermas' critique of the secularisation hypothesis. Instead, he aims to focus on the lasting irritation of Habermas' stricture in the relationship between religion and society and thereby induce a theological self-reflection on the internal relation between the ground of faith, its content and form.