Thomas Kaufmann

Aneignungen Luthers und der Reformation

Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Beiträge zum 19.-21. Jahrhundert
Edited by Martin Keßler
[Appropriations of Luther and the Reformation. Essays on the History of Scholarship Relating to the 19th to the 21st Century.]
2022. XIV, 653 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161337-1
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161337-1
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In this volume, Thomas Kaufmann presents and analyses formative constellations and academic debates in which the appropriation of the Reformation took place. The Empire, the Weimar period, the »Third Reich« and the post-war period prove to be particularly productive phases of very different appropriations of Luther and the Reformation. The scholarly history of the interpretation of the Reformation presents itself as a specific indicator of the theological self-understanding of modern Protestantism.

Christentum in der modernen Welt / Christianity in the Modern World (CMW)