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Bernd Janowski
Anthropologie des Alten Testaments
Grundfragen - Kontexte - Themenfelder
[The Anthropology of the Old Testament. Fundamental Questions - Contexts - Topics.]
2019. XIX, 805 pages. Published in German.
- eBook PDF
- no longer available
- 978-3-16-156935-7
Price for libraries
from €1,140.00
from €1,140.00
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This textbook by Bernd Janowski is the first new German anthropology of the Old Testament to appear in half a century. It covers life stages, concept of person, social action, world experience, and anthropology of the Old Testament. An introduction and summary are also included, while an appendix of source material provides illustration with selected texts and images from Old Testament environs.
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Different conditions apply to libraries for this title; please contact the sales department.