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Johann August Nösselt
Anweisung zur Bildung angehender Theologen
3 Auflagen: 1786/89-1818/19. Bibliothek der Neologie. Kritische Ausgabe in zehn Bänden. Band VI
Edited by Albrecht Beutel, Bastian Lemitz and Olga Söntgerath
[Instructions for the Education of Prospective Theologians (3 Editions: 1786/89-1818/19).]
2019. XXXIII, 843 pages. Published in German.
In his »Instructions for the Education of Prospective Theologians,« Johann August Nösselt provided a clear answer to the question of the unity and function of Protestant theology in the Age of Enlightenment. The main objective and the focal point of this neological encyclopedia, available for the first time as a critical edition, is the instruction in the discharge of the ministry.