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Erkki Koskenniemi
Born 1956; Classical studies at the University of Turku; 1979 Mag. phil; 1984 Mag. theol.; 1992 PhD at Åbo Akademi; Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki, Joensuu and of Åbo Akademi; teacher of biblical theology in Lutheran Evangelical Association in Finland.
The following reviews are known:
In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly—58 (1996), S. 757-758
(Frederick w. Danker)
In: —2. Kwartaal 1994, S. 20-21
(De Stem van het Boek)
In: —Vol. 40, (1993/94), Nr. 1533
(International Review of Biblical Studies)
In: —Vol. 39, (1995), Nr. 1, S. 171
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: Religious Studies Review—Vol. 24, (1998), Nr. 1, S. 98-99
(Roland F. Hock)
In: Studien zum NT und seiner Umwelt—(1994), Nr. 19, S. 251-252
(A. Fuchs)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—120. Jg. (1995), Nr. 9, S. 801-802
(Hans Georg Thümmel)
In: Theologische Rundschau (ThR)—78 (2013), S. 125-154 + 79 (2014), S. 46-66
(Helmut Merkel)