Lars Hartman
Born 1930; 1957 ordained priest in the Lutheran Church of Sweden; 1966 ThD and Habilitation; 1971-90 Professor for New Testament Exegesis at Uppsala University; 1990-95 Director of the Church of Sweden Research Department; 1995 retirement; 2011 doctor honoris causa at Helsinki University.
Tord Fornberg
Born 1943; 1977 ThD; 1988 Habilitation, both at Uppsala University; taught at the same university until his retirement in 2008; presently teaching at the Newman Institute in Uppsala; member of the Commission for Inter-Religious Dialogue of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm.
David Hellholm
Born 1941; 1980 Dr. theol.; 1982 Habilitation; 1979-83 assistant professor at the University of Linköping (Sweden); 1983-89 associate professor at the University of Bergen (Norway); 1990-2008 full professor of New Testament and its environment at the University of Oslo (Norway); since 2008 Emeritus.
The following reviews are known:
In: —58 (2014), S. 157-158
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: Studia Patavina—62 (2015), S. 256-257
(Carlo Broccardo)