The contributors to this volume move beyond 'standard' soteriological issues, addressing often-neglected aspects of the soteriology of John and Paul. They demonstrate how themes like wisdom, volition, freedom, and the role of angels form an integral part of soteriology.
This volume deals with aspects of soteriology in John and Paul. While it does not primarily focus on comparing their soteriological perspectives, such comparisons are not excluded. Instead, the emphasis is on different aspects of John's and Paul's respective views on salvation. The themes addressed do not repeat 'standard' soteriological issues, but highlight often-neglected aspects, resulting in a thought-provoking and challenging series of articles. Topics discussed include Jesus as the Holy One, the position of the Jesus's brothers, the soteriological role of angels in John, wisdom in John, volition in John, freedom in Paul, salvation as war in Paul, and participation as key soteriological category in John and Paul. The in-depth discussions of these and other themes enrich our understanding of soteriology in John and Paul.
Table of contents:
Jan van der Watt, Joseph Verheyden, Jörg Frey : Introduction
Michael Theobald: »You are the Holy One of God!« (John 6:69) - An archaic confession about Jesus in the Gospel of John -
Jörg Frey: Jesus' brothers in John - Hostility or ambivalence? The difficulties of interpreting an enigmatic collective character in John -
Steven A. Hunt: The man born blind as »I AM« in John's Gospel -
Craig R. Koester: The Good Shepherd discourse as persuasive speech (John 9:39-10:21) -
Urich Busse: John 14:6 and the superiority of Christianity? The original intention of the verse in the context of the farewell conversation -
Tobias Nicklas: Two superfluous angels in Jesus' tomb (John 20:12)? -
R. Alan Culpepper: Wisdom stories in the Gospel of John -
Hermie C. van Zyl: The role of παρρησία in the soteriology of the Gospel of John -
Cornelis Bennema: Volition in the Johannine writings -
Udo Schnelle: Participation as a key soteriological category in Paul and John
Troy W. Martin: Face-receiving (προσωπολημψία): Paul's contributions to an early Christian neologism expressing impartial salvation -
Peter Lampe: Καινὴ κτίσις/New creating as a process of identification with Christ: A dialogue with Psychology -
Alfred Friedl: Soteriology and the Law. Reflections on Gal 3:6-14 -
Matthijs den Dulk: The salvation of the Scythians. Early Christian ethnography and the reception history of Colossians 3:11 -
Albert Hogeterp: Salvation and a war of ideas in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 -
Jacobus Kok: Soteriology and its relation to restorative φιλανθρωπία in 1 Timothy and Titus: An exegetical and social identity theoretical analysis -
Michael Labahn: »Freedom« as salvation and as freedom for others in various challenges of the Pauline communities. Observations on Paul's concept of freedom -
Joseph Verheyden: »... and seeing that he had faith to be made well« (Acts 14:9). A note on »Pauline« soteriology through a Lukan lens