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Jürgen Basedow
(1949-2023):was Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, and Professor of Law at the University of Hamburg; Membre associé de l'Institut de droit international; Titular Member and Secretary General of the International Academy of Comparative Law; member of numerous advisory bodies at the German and EU level, inter alia, Chairman of the German Monopolies Commission; member of the Groupe européen de droit international privé; and member of the Deutscher Rat für Internationales Privatrecht.
Die Czernich
No vita available.
Fritz Reichert-Facilides
No vita available.
Wulf-Henning Roth
No vita available.
Anton K. Schnyder
No vita available.
The following reviews are known:
In: —Jg. 12, (1994), Nr. 2, S. 462-464
(Nederlands Internat. Privaatrecht)
In: —(1994), Heft 52, S. X
(Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW))
In: Revue Hellénique de droit internat.—Erscheint in Nr. 49/Feb. 97
(M. Souflerous)
In: Rivista di diritto int.priv.e proc.—Jg. XXXV, (1999), Nr. 1, S. 194
(Frigessi di Rattalma)
In: —Jg. 50, (15.2.1995), Nr. 4, S.285
In: Zeitschr.f.Europ.Privatrecht—Jg. 4. (1996), S. 722-725
(H-P. Schwintowski)