
Roland Kany

Augustins Trinitätsdenken

Bilanz, Kritik und Weiterführung der modernen Forschung zu »De trinitate«

[Augustine's Trinitarian Thought. A Critical Reassessment of Modern Research on »De Trinitate".]

139,00 €
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eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-151338-1
Published in German.
Augustine's »De Trinitate« is one of the most significant Christian works of antiquity. Roland Kany does a critical reassessment of international research carried out during the last 160 years on all aspects of this work. He suggests a new interpretation, contending that Augustine's concept of self-consciousness solves a fundamental problem of ancient philosophy. Augustine uses the solution of this problem as a basis for a completely new theology of the Trinity.
Augustine's »De Trinitate« is one of the most significant Christian works of antiquity. Roland Kany does a critical reassessment of international research carried out during the last 160 years on all aspects of this work. In modern systematic theology, Augustine's doctrine of the Trinity has for the most part been understood in a traditional manner and rejected. Current patristic research has given the work a new interpretation, has however neglected its philosophical implications. Philosophers are presently rediscovering Augustine's theory of self-consciousness in »De Trinitate«, but paying no attention to its theological context. Kany suggests a new interpretation, contending that Augustine's concept of self-consciousness solves a fundamental problem of ancient philosophy. Augustine uses the solution of this problem as a basis for a completely new theology of the Trinity.

Roland Kany Geboren 1958; 1986 Promotion; 2003 Habilitation; seit 2004 Ordinarius für Kirchengeschichte des Altertums und Patrologie an der LMU München.


The following reviews are known:

In: FAZ — 2. Januar 2009, S. 33 (Wolfram Kinzig)
In: Augustinian Studies — 40 (2009), S. 160–163 (Kenneth B. Steinhauser)
In: Avgustinvs — 53 (2008), S. 463–464 (Enrique Eguiarte)
In: Theologische Revue — 104 (2008), S. 409–411 (Josef Lössl)
In: Adamantius — 16 (2010), S. 590–593 (Giovanni Catapano)
In: Estudio Agustiniano — 43 (2008), S. 220–222 (R. Sala)
In: Journal of Ecclesiastical History — 61 (2010), S. 355–357 (Thomas Fliethmann)
In: Theological Studies — 69 (2008), S. 934–935 (Roland J. Teske)
In: Irenikon — 2012, Heft 1, S. 51–53 (Nicolas Egender)
In: Mayeutica — 33 (2007), S. 573–574 (Enrique Eguiarte)
In: Archivo Teologico Granadino — 71 (2008), S. 337