Avot de-Rabbi Natan

Synoptische Edition beider Versionen.
Edited by Christoph Berner and Hans-Jürgen Becker
[Avot de-Rabbi Nathan. A Synoptic Edition of Both Versions.]
2006. XXVII, 409 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-158750-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-158750-4
For the first time, this edition permits an overview of the complete direct handwritten evidence and makes it possible to recognize the lack of uniformity in the tradition. Avot de-Rabbi Natan A is presented in a large, double-paged synopsis with two appendices, the Avot de-Rabbi Natan B synopsis is shorter due to the fact that there are less manuscripts. Lists of parallels and a user-friendly reference system enable problem-free comparisons.

Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism (TSAJ)