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Samuli Siikavirta

Baptism and Cognition in Romans 6-8

Paul's Ethics beyond 'Indicative' and 'Imperative'
[Taufe und Erkenntnis in Römer 6-8. Die Ethik des Paulus jenseits von »Indikativ« und »Imperativ«.]
2015. XIV, 214 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-154049-3
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  • 978-3-16-154049-3
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How does Paul make use of baptism? Samuli Siikavirta looks at how in Romans, baptism is not just a symbol but a concrete rite that has connected the baptised to Christ and that, by stressing reason, Paul wants his audience to remember what their baptism means for their everyday lives.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe (WUNT II)