Bedroht sein

Gesellschaften unter Stress im Vergleich
Herausgegeben von Ewald Frie, Mischa Meier und Dennis Schmidt
[Being Threatened. Comparing Societies under Threat.]
2023. VIII, 248 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156951-7
Published in German.
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The model of »re-ordering« developed at the University of Tübingen's Collaborative Research Centre 923 is applied empirically to interdisciplinary investigations of the process of being under threat that emerges across time and in a wide variety of historical constellations. Under the headings diagnosis, mobilisation, reflection, and coping practises, this latest volume in the Threatened Orders series contributes to a general theory of social change.

Bedrohte Ordnungen (BedrO)