
Michael Heese


Eine rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlung zur Dogmatik der Beratungspflichten und zur Haftung des Ratgebers im Zivil- und Wirtschaftsrecht

[Advisors' obligations. A Legal Treatise on the Anatomy of Advisors' obligations and Advisors' Liability in Civil and Business Law.]

2015. XXXIV, 531 pages.

Jus Privatum 193

149,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-153844-5
Also Available As:
Published in German.
Advisors' obligations and the particulars of advisors' liability have been crucial questions in civil and business law ever since. Beginning in the 1990's, advice as a legal concept became more and more important for legal policy, legislators, and courts. Michael Heese continues to develop a more general civil law approach to advisors' obligations and liability, taking into account both professional duties and regulatory law.
Advisors' obligations and the particulars of advisors' liability have been crucial questions in civil and business law ever since. Beginning in the 1990's, advice as a legal concept became more and more important for legal policy, legislators, and courts. Michael Heese continues to develop a more general civil law approach to advisors' obligations and liability, taking into account both professional duties and regulatory law.

Michael Heese Geboren 1978; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Göttingen; 2008 Promotion in Göttingen; 2008–09 LL.M.-Studium an der Yale Law School; 2015 Habilitation; Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Bürgerliches Recht, Zivilverfahrens- und Insolvenzrecht, Europäisches Privat- und Prozessrecht sowie Rechtsvergleichung an der Universität Regensburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Archiv für die civilistische Praxis — 220 (2020), 416–420 (Christoph Kumpan)
In: Fachbuchjournal — 2017, Heft 4, 28–29 (Bernd Müller-Christmann)
In: Zeitschr.f.d.ges.Versicherungswiss. — 2016, 71–76 (Christian Armbrüster)
In: Betriebliche Altersversorgung — 2017, 460