Olaf Sosnitza

Besitz und Besitzschutz

Sachherrschaft zwischen faktischem Verhältnis, schuldrechtlicher Befugnis und dinglichem Recht
[Possession and Protection of Possession. Real Authority in relation to a De Facto Relationship, an Obligatory Claim and Property Right.Possession and Protection of Possession. Real Authority in relation to a De Facto Relationship, an Obligatory Claim and ]
2003. XXVII, 417 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-157942-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-157942-4
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Olaf Sosnitza examines the fundamental principles of possession and its protection on the basis of present positive law. He delimits the concept of possession and describes the regulatory structure of the codified right to possession. He then analyzes the legal nature of possession and of the right to possession. The author also questions the extent to which the protection of possession as it is laid down in various degrees in the German Civil Code is actually sufficient and takes a look at execution and insolvency law.Olaf Sosnitza examines the fundamental principles of possession and its protection on the basis of present positive law. He delimits the concept of possession and describes the regulatory structure of the codified right to possession. He then analyzes the legal nature of possession and of the right to possession. The author also questions the extent to which the protection of possession as it is laid down in various degrees in the German Civil Code is actually sufficient and takes a look at execution and insolvency law.

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