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Kiyoshi Mineshige
Besitzverzicht und Almosen bei Lukas
Wesen und Forderung des lukanischen Vermögensethos
[Renunciation of Possessions and Almsgiving in Lukan Writings. The Nature of and the Demand for an Ethos of Wealth in Luke.]
2003. XV, 297 pages. Published in German.
What does the Scripture teach us about the issue of wealth and possessions? Does it tell us to abandon possessions totally and to live piously, or to accumulate wealth and use it effectively for others? Kiyoshi Mineshige takes a critical approach to Luke's ideas of possessions and almsgiving. He argues that Luke distinguishes between renunciation of possessions and almsgiving, and thus that in the Gospel of Luke the author is talking about two different concepts.