
Modelle, Erscheinungsformen und Herausforderungen im chinesisch-deutschen Rechtsvergleich. Beiträge der 5. Tagung des Chinesisch-Deutschen Strafrechtslehrerverbandes
Edited by Eric Hilgendorf
[Participation Doctrine. Models, Manifestations and Challenges in a Comparison of Chinese and German Law.]
2023. X, 313 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161422-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161422-4
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In times of upheaval, a constructive transnational scholarly exchange is more important than ever. This work deals with current developments in the theory of secondary participation from a Chinese and German perspective. In doing so, it establishes the emergence of an international criminal law. The goal of the individual texts is to contribute to a better mutual understanding and to promote a dialogue.

Schriften zum Ostasiatischen Strafrecht (OstAStrR)