
Beyond Conflicts

Cultural and Religious Cohabitations in Alexandria and Egypt between the 1st and the 6th Century CE
Ed. by Luca Arcari

[Jenseits von Konflikten. Kulturelle und religiöse Lebensgemeinschaften in Alexandria und Ägypten zwischen dem 1. und dem 6. Jahrhundert n.Chr.]

109,00 €
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sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-155144-4
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Published in English.
Were there various ways of interaction between different groups in Graeco-Roman Egypt? This volume shows that Egypt emerges as a sort of exception in the study of ancient cultures and religions, providing scholars with the possibility of relying on a great number and variety of documents, and interactively explores the diversity of documentary material.
That there were various ways of interaction between different groups in Graeco-Roman Egypt cannot be doubted, as a number of more or less recent regional studies have further reinforced. And as is well-known, Egypt emerges as a sort of exception in the study of ancient cultures and religions because it provides scholars with the opportunity to draw on a great number and variety of documents. Exploring interactively the diversity of documentary material is the main aim of this book. In socio-cultural terms, such an analysis corroborates the image of Egypt as a pervasive cultural system where for many centuries different elites coagulated themselves around a number of standard modalities to produce »cultural« and »religious« micro-systems. This shows that people, even when different languages and textual practices survive, respond to specific modalities of cohabitation under the umbrella of this hegemonic cultural »field."
Survey of contents
Luca Arcari: Cultural and Religious Cohabitations in Alexandria and Egypt between the 1st and the 6th Cent. CE

Part One: Use, (Re-)Invention and (Re-)Definition of Discursive Practices
Tobias Nicklas: Jewish, Christian, Greek? The Apocalypse of Peter as a Witness of Early 2nd-Cent. Christianity in Alexandria – Philippe Matthey: The Once and Future King of Egypt: Egyptian »Messianism« and the Construction of the Alexander Romance – Antonio Sena: Demonology between Celsus and Origen: A Theoretical Model of Religious Cohabitation? – Daniele Tripaldi: »Basilides« and »the Egyptian Wisdom:« Some Remarks on a Peculiar Heresiological Notice (Ps.-Hipp. Haer. 7.20–27) – Thomas J. Kraus: Demosthenes and (Late) Ancient Miniature Books from Egypt: Reflections on a Category, Physical Features, Purpose and Use – Paola Buzi: Remains of Gnomic Anthologies and Pagan Wisdom Literature in the Coptic Tradition

Part Two: Ideological Debates as Images of Cultural and Religious Cohabitations
Bernard Pouderon: »Jewish,« »Christian« and »Gnostic« Groups in Alexandria during the 2nd Cent.: Between Approval and Expulsion – Adele Monaci Castagno: Messengers from Heaven: Divine Men and God's Men in the Alexandrian Platonism (2nd-4th Cent.) – Mark J. Edwards: Late Antique Alexandria and the »Orient« – Ewa Wipszycka: How Insurmountable was the Chasm between Monophysites and Chalcedonians? – Philippe Blaudeau: » Vel si non tibi communicamus, tamen amamus te ». Remarques sur la description par Liberatus de Carthage des rapports entre Miaphysites et Chalcédoniens à Alexandrie (milieu Ve-milieu VIe s.)

Part Three: Cults and Practices as Spaces for Encounters and Interactions
Sofía Torallas Tovar: Love and Hate? Again on Dionysos in the Eyes of the Alexandrian Jews – Francesco Massa: Devotees of Serapis and Christ? A Literary Representation of Religious Cohabitations in the 4th Century – Mariangela Monaca: Between Cyril and Isis: Some Remarks on the Iatromantic Cults in 5th-Cent. Alexandria

Part Four: »Open« and »Closed« Groups
Marie-Françoise Baslez: Open-air Festivals and Cultural Cohabitation in Late Hellenistic Alexandria – Livia Capponi: The Common Roots of Egyptians and Jews: Life and Meaning of an Ancient Stereotype – Hugo Lundhaug: The Nag Hammadi Codices in the Complex World of 4th- and 5th-Cent. Egypt

Part Five: The Construction of Authority in Philosophical and Religious Schools
Carmine Pisano: Moses »Prophet« of God in the Works of Philo, or How to Use Otherness to Construct Selfness – Giulia Sfameni Gasparro: Alexandria in the Mirror of Origen's didaskaleion: Between the Great Church, Heretics and Philosophers – Marco Rizzi: Cultural and Religious Exchanges in Alexandria: The Transformation of Philosopy and Exegesis in the 3rd Cent. in the Mirror of Origen

Luca Arcari Born 1977; 2005 PhD in Ancient History; 2007–12 Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Naples Federico II, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, and the »Michele Pellegrino« Foundation (University of Turin); currently Professor of History of Ancient Christianity and History of Religions at the University of Naples Federico II.


The following reviews are known:

In: Review of Biblical Literature — (2/2022) (Melody Everest)
In: Recherches de Science Religieuse (RSR) — 105 (2018), S. 166–168 (Édith Parmentier / Maureen Attali)
In: — 9 (2016), S. 352–356 (Ephraim Nissan)
In: Medioevo greco — 18 (2018), S. 430–432 (Fabrizio Petorella)
In: Theologische Revue — 114 (2018), S. 432–433 (Stefan Klug)
In: Verkündigung u. Forschung — 67 (2022), pp. 102–112 (Ulrich Volp)