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Ulrich M. Gassner, Jens Kersten, Michael Lindemann, Josef Franz Lindner, Henning Rosenau, Birgit Schmidt am Busch, Ulrich Schroth, Ferdinand Wollenschläger


Augsburg-Münchner-Entwurf (AME-BiobankG)
[Biobank Act. The Augsburg-Munich Draft (AME-BiobankG).]
2015. XI, 61 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153787-5
Biobanks are central institutions of medical research and public health. For these altruistic reasons, citizens donate biological samples and biomedical data to biobanks. Legislation is needed to promote individual and collective trust in the integrity of biobanks. The key issues of legal regulation are the protection of the privacy of donors and the promotion of scientific research. The Augsburg-Munich Draft of a Biobank Act aims at guaranteeing privacy and at regulating the establishment, operation and supervision of biobanks.