
Horst Dreier


Politik und Verfassung

[Bioethics. Politics and the Constitution.]

2013. X, 107 pages.
29,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-152608-4
Published in German.
Modern societies are characterized by high levels of pluralism. The bioethics debates in Germany during the past two decades were exceptionally fierce. Horst Dreier not only weighs all the arguments but also reconstructs the constitutional framework of democratic decision-making. He analyzes the relevant constitutionally protected values and recapitulates the concrete decisions made by lawmakers, to whom he gives quite a bit of latitude.
Modern societies are characterized by high levels of pluralism. The bioethics debates in Germany during the past two decades were exceptionally fierce. Horst Dreier not only weighs all the arguments but also reconstructs the constitutional framework of democratic decision-making. He analyzes the relevant constitutionally protected values and recapitulates the concrete decisions made by lawmakers, to whom he gives quite a bit of latitude.

Horst Dreier ist Ordinarius für Rechtsphilosophie, Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht an der Universität Würzburg (seit 2020 emeritiert).


The following reviews are known:

In: Juristenzeitung — 2014, 789 (Kurt Seelmann)
In: Medizin-Ethik-Recht — 2014, 102–104 (Roland Konrad Kobald)
In: Revue Hellenique des Droits de l'homme — 2014, 1007–1008
In: Portal für Politikwissenschaft ( — (12/2013) (Nikolai Münch)
In: Allg.Ministerialbl.d.Bay.Staatsreg. — 2014, 107
In: Medizinrecht — 2013, 830–832 (Hans-Georg Dederer)