
Biographie und Persönlichkeit des Paulus

Hrsg. v. Eve-Marie Becker u. Peter Pilhofer

[The Biography and Character of Paul. Student edition.]

2005; unrevised student edition; 2009. VIII, 392 pages.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 187

59,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-151489-0
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Published in German.
This book examines the exegesis of Paul and his letters. The various approaches provide an important contribution to the problem of the »New Perspectives on Paul« and turn the question regarding the »Biography and the Character of Paul« into a paradigm of New Testament research.
This volume contains articles from specialists in various fields on the biography and character of Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. These articles reflect the level and the diversity of the current research being done on Paul. The various approaches provide an important contribution to the problem of the »New Perspectives on Paul« and turn the question regarding the »Biography and the Character of Paul« into a paradigm of New Testament research in connection with the study of people, biographies and autobiographies in antiquity.

Eve-Marie Becker Geboren 1972; 2001 Dr. theol.; 2004 Habilitation; 2006–18 Professorin für neutestamentliche Exegese an der Universität Aarhus/Dänemark; 2016–17 Distinguished Visiting Professor of New Testament an der Emory University in Atlanta/USA; seit 2018 Professorin für Neues Testament an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Peter Pilhofer Geboren 1955; 1989 Promotion; 1994 Habilitation; Professor für Neues Testament an der Universität Erlangen.


The following reviews are known:

In: New Testament Abstracts — 54 (2010), S. 384
In: Verkündigung u. Forschung — 55 (2010), S. 45–60 (Christine Gerber)
In: The Polish Journal of Bibl. Research — 9 (2010), S. 171–172 (Zdzislaw J. Kapera)