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Christiane Tietz-Steiding
Bonhoeffers Kritik der verkrümmten Vernunft
Eine erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchung
[Bonhoeffer's Critique of Incurvated Reason. An Epistemological Study. By Christiane Tietz-Steiding.]
1999. XIII, 340 pages. Published in German.
- cloth
- available
- 978-3-16-147187-2
In his postdoctoral thesis, »Akt und Sein« (1931), Dietrich Bonhoeffer discusses the significance of transcendental philosophy and ontology for systematic theology in a dialogue with contemporary views. Taking other early Bonhoeffer works into account, Christiane Tietz-Steiding reconstructs and criticizes the theory of knowledge based on a critique of reason, which can be regarded as an original contribution of Bonhoeffer's early works. In these, the young Bonhoeffer's central conviction becomes clear: It is not the self-incurvation of reason in philosophy which can reveal an appropriate self-conception to a human being but rather a belief turned towards revelation in which the incurvation of human reason is broken open.