
Wilhelm Herrmann / Albrecht Ritschl

Briefwechsel 1875 – 1889

Hrsg. v. Christophe Chalamet, Peter Fischer-Appelt u. Joachim Weinhardt in Zus.-Arb. m. Theodor Mahlmann

[Correspondence 1875–1889.]

2013. XII, 520 pages.
149,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-149975-3
Published in German.
On a very personal level, the correspondence begun by Wilhelm Herrmann, a private lecturer from Halle, describes the controversial impact of Albrecht Ritschl's kingdom of God theology during the Wilhelminian era.
In a very personal way, the correspondence begun by Wilhelm Herrmann, a private lecturer from Halle, sheds new light on the controversial impact of Albrecht Ritschl's theology of the kingdom of God during the Wilhelminian era. The message of revelation is the reconciliation of humanity with God, not of God with humanity. This insight, new from an exegetical standpoint, set a precedent, since it made it possible to see the advent of the kingdom of God, a pivotal feature in the proclamation of Jesus, as an incentive for freedom in the moral (and societal) realm of life. This letter exchange reveals the enthusiasm with which a young Wilhelm Herrmann welcomed this approach. At first loyal to Ritschl, Herrmann insisted on the universality of the Christian worldview, but eventually the problem of certainty in religion led him to abandon Ritschl's community-oriented approach to focus on questions related to individual existence.

Wilhelm Herrmann war Professor für Systematische Theologie in Marburg.

Albrecht Ritschl ist Professor an der London School of Economics, Economic History Department.

Christophe Chalamet Geboren 1972; 2002 Promotion; Professeur associé für Systematische Theologie an der Faculté autonome de théologie protestante, Universität Genf.

Peter Fischer-Appelt Geboren 1932; 1961–70 wissenschaftlicher Assistent an der Universität Bonn; 1970–91 erster Präsident der Universität Hamburg; lehrt Systematische Theologie an der Universität Hamburg.

Theodor Mahlmann No current data available.

Joachim Weinhardt Geboren 1959; 1994 Promotion; 2002 Habilitation; seit 2003 Professor für Evangelische Theologie an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Karlsruhe (Theologiegeschichte/Systematische Theologie).


The following reviews are known:

In: Sehepunkte — (Martin Ohst)
In: Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte — 127 (2016), S. 277–279 (Alf Christophersen)
In: Zeitschr.f . Neuere Theologiegesch. — 21 (2014), S. 296–297 (Friedrich Wilhelm Graf)
In: Das Historisch-Politische Buch — 62 (2014), S. 542–543 (Matthias Wolfes)