What can »centre and periphery« frameworks, in all their present diversity and in their various »re-conceptualizations,« contribute to the study of the early Second Temple period? The essays in this volume address this question through the prism of the location of Jerusalem, diasporic communities, the literary history of some texts, gender, and more.
»Centre and periphery« frameworks have been particularly helpful for research on systems whose dynamics are strongly influenced by a substantially unequal distribution of qualities. But what can these frameworks, in all their present diversity and in their various »re-conceptualizations,« contribute to the study of the early Second Temple period? The essays in this volume address this question through the prism of, for instance, the location of Jerusalem, diasporic communities, Torah, roles of temples and royal courts, Jerusalem/Gerizim, the Zion tradition, the universal kingdom of YHWH, the literary history of some texts, socio-linguistic choices, and gender.
Table of contents:
Ehud Ben Zvi: Introduction -
Ehud Ben Zvi: Introductory Centre/Core-Periphery Considerations and the Case of Interplaying of Rigid and Flexible Constructions of Centre and Periphery among the Literati of the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period -
Laurie E. Pearce: Looking for Judeans in Babylonia's Core and Periphery -
Bob Becking: Centre, Periphery, and Interference: Notes on the »Passover/Mazzot«-Letter from Elephantine -
Sylvie Honigman: Intercultural Exchanges in the Hellenistic East: The Respective Roles of Temples, Royal Offices, Courts, and Gymnasia -
Diana Edelman: Identities within a Central and Peripheral Perspective: The Use of Aramaic in the Hebrew Bible -
Francis Landy: Between Centre and Periphery: Space and Gender in the Book of Judges in the Early Second Temple Period -
Hermann-Josef Stipp: Jeremiah 24: Deportees, Remainees, Returnees, and the Diaspora -
Kåre Berge: Are There Centres and Peripheries in Deuteronomy? -
Reinhard Müller: The Altar on Mount Gerizim (Deuteronomy 27:1-8): Centre or Periphery? -
Erik Aurelius: Periphery as Provocation? 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 5 -
Magnar Kartveit: The Temple of Jerusalem as the Centre of Affairs in the Book of Chronicles: Memories of the Past and Contemporary Social Setting -
Louis C. Jonker: Being both on the Periphery and in the Centre: The Jerusalem Temple in Late Persian Period Yehud from Postcolonial Perspective -
Gary N. Knoppers: What is the Core and What is the Periphery in Ezra-Nehemiah? -
Juha Pakkala: Centres and Peripheries in the Ezra Story -
Friedhelm Hartenstein: The King on the Throne of God: The Concept of World Dominion in Chronicles and Psalm 2 -
Beate Ego: Jerusalem and the Nations: »Centre and Periphery« in the Zion Tradition -
Kathrin Liess: Centre and Periphery in Psalm 137 -
Christoph Levin: The Edition of the Psalms of Ascents -
Ann-Cathrin Fiß: »As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us« (Psalm 103:12): Mercy as the Centre of Psalm 103 -
Urmas Nõmmik: Qinah Meter: From Genre Periphery to Theological Centre - A Sketch -
Peter Juhás: »Centre« and »Periphery« in the Apocalyptic Imagination: The Vision of the Ephah (Zechariah 5:5-11) and the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch as Case Study