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Peter Balla
Born 1962; 1994 Ph.D. in Edinburgh; currently Professor and head of the Department of New Testament Studies at the Karoli Gaspar Reformed University in Budapest, Hungary.
The following reviews are known:
In: European Journal of Theology (EJT)—Jg. VIII, (1999), Nr. 2, S. 184ff.
(Dr. Moritz)
In: —Jg.71 (1999), H.2, S. 189f
(Evangelical Quarterly)
In: Journal of the Ev. Theol. Society—Jg. 43, (2000), Nr. 1, S. 161
(Robert Herron)
In: Journal of Theological Studies—Jg. 50, (1999), Nr. 2, S. 854
(R. Morgan)
In: Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift—Jg. 53, Nr. 2, S. 144-145
(P.W.van der Horst)
In: —Vol. 42, (1998), Nr. 1, S. 180-181
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: —Jg. 15, (1998), Nr. 4, S. 505
(Revista Biblica Brasileira)
In: Teologinen Aikakauskirja—5.Jg. (2000), S.164f.
(Jarmo Kiilunen)
In: The Expository Times—Vol. 109, (1998), Nr. 7, S. 217ff.
(David Hill)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—Jg. 125, (2000), Nr. 3, S. 278ff.
(Hans Hübner)
In: Theologische Rundschau (ThR)—Jg.68 (2003), H.3, S. 306ff
(Theo K. Heckel)
In: —Vol. 45, (1998), Nr. 3, S. 261
(Theology Digest)
In: Trinity Journal—(1998), Nr. 1, S. 118-122
(R.W. Yarbrough)