Christlicher Religionsunterricht (CRU)

Rechtswissenschaftliche und theologisch-religionspädagogische Perspektiven auf ein Reformmodell in Niedersachsen
Edited by Hans Michael Heinig, Ansgar Hense, Konstantin Lindner and Henrik Simojoki
[Christian Religious Education. Jurisprudential and Theological-Pedagogical Perspectives of a Reform Model in Lower Saxony.]
2024. XII, 383 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-163650-9
Published in German.
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In today's society the significance of religious affiliations continues to decline. This has consequences for the organisation of religious education at public schools. Lower Saxony is responding to this challenge with a model of Christian RE for which both churches are jointly responsible. It raises specific legal and theological-pedagogical questions, which this volume explores.

Praktische Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart (PThGG)