
Phillip Hofmann


Der Schutz kreativer Systeme und Konzepte im Urheberrecht

[Computer Game Systems. Protecting Creative Systems and Concepts in Copyright Law.]

89,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-154340-1
Published in German.
Whether or not a computer game is fun to play is partly down to the quality of its game system. But are these systems copyrightable and would applying property rights to them act as a creative incentive or indefensible impediment? Despite lively debates and practical clashes, this crucial question remains unanswered. Phillip Hofmann seizes the initiative to investigate if copyright law can and should protect creative systems and concepts.
Whether or not a computer game is fun to play is partly down to the quality of its game system. But are these systems copyrightable and would applying property rights to them act as a creative incentive or indefensible impediment? Despite lively debates and practical clashes, this crucial question remains unanswered. Phillip Hofmann seizes the initiative to investigate if copyright law can and should protect creative systems and concepts.

Phillip Hofmann Geboren 1984; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in
Hamburg, Münster und Paris; 2012–14 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
am Institut für Rechtsinformatik in Hannover; 2015 Promotion; 2013–15 Rechtsreferendar am Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht in Hamburg.


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