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Kevin Kosche
Contra proferentem und das Transparenzgebot im Common Law und Civil Law
Eine rechtsvergleichende, rechtshistorische und rechtsökonomische Analyse
[Contra proferentem and the Transparency Requirement in Common Law and Civil Law. An Analysis from the Perspective of Legal History, Comparative Law and Law and Economics.]
2011. XXXVI, 700 pages. Published in German.
Kevin Kosche provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of contra proferentem in Anglo-American and continental European law. In doing so, he focuses on a description of the contract interpretation method in US law. In addition he does the first study from the perspective of legal history and comparative law on why, when and how the transparency requirement originated in German law. The author shows that due to the influence of the culpa in contrahendo there had been a transparency requirement before the war.