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Jörg Benedict
Culpa in Contrahendo
Transformationen des Zivilrechts. Band I: Historisch-kritischer Teil: Entdeckungen - oder zur Geschichte der Vertrauenshaftung
[Culpa in Contrahendo. Transformations of Civil Law. Volume I. Historical-Critical Part: Legal Discoveries or the History of Reliance-based Liability.]
2018. XXI, 813 pages. Published in German.
In the Roman law tradition up to Savigny, culpa was not considered to be a causa obligationis. Rudolf v. Jhering rejected this dogma 150 years ago. His »discovery« of culpa in contrahendo finally introduced a general basis for liability in legal relations based on nothing but bona fides (good faith). However, the stage at which precontractual reliance becomes worthy of protection is not yet defined. In this study, the author explores why culpa in contrahendo is nevertheless still retained.