
Jonathan Rodrian

Das Abrahamopfer im Kontext von Gen 12–25

Narratologische und literarhistorische Untersuchungen

[Abraham's Sacrifice in the Context of Gen 12–15. Narratological and Literary-Historical Studies.]

2024. XII, 477 pages.
forthcoming in May

Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe 149

119,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-162670-8
Also Available As:
Published in German.
A God who declares his promise null and void? Jonathan Rodrian examines the narrative of the »sacrifice of Isaac« against the background of the Abraham cycle. Considering the image of God, it becomes clear that God's promise can be relied upon even when God himself seems to question his own commitment.
A God who declares his promise null and void? Jonathan Rodrian examines the narrative of the »sacrifice of Isaac« against the background of the Abraham cycle. Considering the image of God, it becomes clear that God's promise can be relied upon even when God himself seems to question his own commitment.
Survey of contents
Einleitung: Grundlagen und Methoden
1. Zentraler Text: Gen 22,1–19
2. Ausweitung: Gen 21,1–21
3. Ausweitung: Gen 20; 21,22–34
4. Ausweitung: Gen 12–25
Literarhistorische Schlussfolgerungen für Gen 12–25

Jonathan Rodrian Geboren 1992; Studium der Ev. Theologie; 2023 Promotion (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München); Vikar in der Ev.-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern.


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