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Melanie Köhlmoos
Das Auge Gottes
Textstrategie im Hiobbuch
[The Eye of God. Textual Strategy in the Book of Job. By Melanie Köhlmoos.]
1999. IX, 386 pages. Published in German.
Which methods are employed to encourage the reader to interpret the Book of Job, and what part do dramaturgy and content play in this? Melanie Köhlmoos outlines the basic 'textual strategy' of the Book of Job from the point of view of God's presence. Her interpretation is based on the interaction between the text, its readers and other texts. The persons who appear, the questions on content and the formal structures are all elements in the text which enable it to make a pact with its readers and to suggest to the reader a certain way of reading and interpreting it. In the course of the story of Job, God and Job's friends, we find numerous central themes in the New Testament (justice, the Creation, ethics) which take on a different complexion.