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Peter M. Huber

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die Staatsrechtslehre

Schönburger Gespräche zu Recht und Staat
[The Federal Constitutional Court and Constitutional Doctrine. [Schönburger Gespräche zu Recht und Staat.]]
2024. VI, 55 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-164131-2
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-164131-2
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The relationship between the Federal Constitutional Court and constitutional law doctrine oscillates today more than ever between the traditional, constructive cooperation in the theoretical and dogmatic development of constitutional law on the one hand and an increasing indifference, selective bashing and an almost frivolous desire for destruction on the other. Peter M. Huber's timely volume warns against laconic shoulder shrugging and explains why this situation is not to be taken lightly.