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Johann H. Kim

Das dingliche Schuldverhältnis

Zum Rechtsverhältnis des Eigentümers zum bösgläubigen Besitzer, Bucheigentümer oder Störer
[The Contractual Obligation in Rem. On the Legal Relationship between the Owner and the Mala Fide Possessor, the Owner in the Land Register or the Disturber.]
2022. XV, 284 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-161292-3
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The boundary between the law of obligations and property law becomes especially apparent in the relationship between possessor and owner. How can the owner's claim for damages be brought into line with the conflicting priorities of the law of obligations and property law? Johann H. Kim studies this using the concept of the legal relationship.

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