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Werner Schroeder
Das Gemeinschaftsrechtssystem
Eine Untersuchung zu den rechtsdogmatischen, rechtstheoretischen und verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen des Systemdenkens im Europäischen Gemeinschaftsrecht
[The Community Law System. A Study of the Dogmatic, Theoretic and Constitutional Foundations of Systems Thinking in European Community Law. By Werner Schroeder.]
2002. XXIII, 534 pages. Published in German.
Werner Schroeder describes European Community law as a separate legal system. This is necessary because Community law, much more than state legal systems, is under a permanent obligation to justify itself and has to make sure of its foundations and limits constantly. In order to verify the theory of the European Court of Justice that Community law is based on an autonomous system of legal norms, institutions and goals, Werner Schroeder enlists the help of legal theory.