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Das japanische Zivilprozeßrecht

Zivilprozeßgesetz und Zivilprozeßverordnung nach der Reform von 1996
Edited by Christopher Heath and Anja Petersen
[The Law of Civil Procedure in Japan - Introductory overview and translation of the relevant statutory material. Edited by Christopher Heath and Anja Petersen.]
2002. XI, 211 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-160542-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-160542-0
After years of study and discussion, the Japanese Code of Civil Procedure was significantly amended in 1996. Purposes of the amendment were a speeding up of the notoriously slow procedure, improvements in the discovery of documents, limitations of the appeal procedure and new, user-friendly rules for small claims. The book contains a translation of the Code of Civil Procedure, the Supreme Court's Rules of Civil Procedure and the provisions on arbitration proceedings. The introductory overview explains the history of civil litigation in Japan, covers the 1996 amendments in detail, and concludes with statistical data on the subject.

Materialien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (MatIPR)