
Lars Leuschner

Das Konzernrecht des Vereins

[Corporate Group Law for Associations (Vereine).]

2011. XXVII, 441 pages.

Jus Privatum 160

129,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-150827-1
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Published in German.
Much like corporations, associations (Vereine) are often integrated into groups of enterprises. The study deals with the issues raised by such integration, examining associations in their role as a controlling entity as well as in their role as a controlled entity.
Much like corporations, associations (Vereine) are often integrated into groups of enterprises. The study deals with the issues raised by such integration, examining associations in their role as a controlling entity as well as in their role as a controlled entity.

Lars Leuschner Geboren 1971; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Trier und London; 2002–04 Rechtsanwalt in Frankfurt a. M.; 2004 Promotion; 2005 Richter am Landgericht Wiesbaden; 2006–11 Akademischer Rat an der Universität Mainz; 2011 Habilitation; derzeit Lehrstuhlvertretung an der Universität Osnabrück.


The following reviews are known:

In: Banca, borsa e titoli di credito — 2012, 599–601
In: steueranwaltsmagazin — 2012, 152 (JW)
In: — (06/2012) (Marcus Kreutz)