
Wolfgang Bretschneider

Das Menschenrecht auf Wasser als Allokationsproblem

Versorgungsgerechtigkeit als institutionenökonomisches Konzept zur Umsetzung des Anliegens im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Trinkwasserwirtschaft

[The Human Right to Water as an Allocation Problem. An Institutional Economics-Based Concept for the Fair and Sustainable Provision of Drinking Water.]

2017. XVIII, 288 pages.

Ökonomische Studien 3

69,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155543-5
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Published in German.
How can the human right to water be successfully secured? In this work, Wolfgang Bretschneider sketches an institutional economics-based concept for equitable provision.
How can the human right to water be successfully secured? The answer: only when the politics of its provision encompass not only social, but also ecological and economic dimensions of sustainability. Wolfgang Bretschneider sketches an institutional economics-based concept for equitable provision, a multifaceted subject because private householders are not only the carriers of a claim, but conversely also bear responsibility for the environment and towards society. Only when this is taken into consideration can the household's long-term supply be secured. This book focuses on tracing the fine line between the right to use water and responsibility for it, and applies insights to questions of water pricing. Against this background, the author examines how to interpret key terms such as access to water and affordability, and with which tools an equitable provision can be pursued.

Wolfgang Bretschneider Geboren 1979; Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre sowie Instrumentalmusik; 2016 Promotion in Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig; seit 2016 Postdoktorand am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.


The following reviews are known:

In: Zeitschrift f. Umweltrecht — 2018, 384