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Hyunmin Kim
Das Missbrauchsverbot für Unternehmen mit relativer Marktmacht
Eine Untersuchung zu den Schutzzwecken und der Reichweite des Missbrauchsverbots bei relativer Marktmacht
[The Prohibition of Abuse for Companies with Relative Market Power. An Analysis of the Protective Purposes and Scope of Prohibition of Abuse in the Case of Relative Market Power.]
2024. XV, 254 pages. Published in German.
The German antitrust system of relative market power and the Korean antitrust system of unfair trading practices can be seen as representative examples of the expansion or extension of the addressees of the norm or the objects of abuse control. Hyunmin Kim's study aims to find a way to adequately capture relative market power to enable a targeted application of the applicable regulations in practice.