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Herwig Grimm

Das moralphilosophische Experiment

John Deweys Methode empirischer Untersuchungen als Modell der problem- und anwendungsorientierten Tierethik
[Experimental Ethics. John Dewey's Methodology of Empirical Inquiry as a Model for Practice-Oriented Animal Ethics.]
2010. XIII, 300 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-150530-0
One of John Dewey's guiding ideas was to reconstruct philosophy in order to solve practical problems. Against this background, Dewey's work Logic: The Theory of Inquiry was translated into a melioristic methodology for practice-oriented animal ethics. The resulting approach supports the transformation of abstract ethical principles into practical contexts without losing sight of responsible actors' limitations and theoretical foundations.