
Michael Horvath

Das ökonomische Wissen der Literatur

Studien zu Shakespeare, Kleist und Kaiser

[Knowledge of Economics in Literature. Studies on Shakespeare, Kleist and Kaiser.]

2016. XIV, 157 pages.

Ökonomische Studien 2

69,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-154781-2
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Published in German.
In this pioneering study, Michael Horvath develops a genuine economic interpretative approach to literary texts.
In this pioneering study, Michael Horvath develops a genuine economic interpretative approach to literary texts. Chapters on theory and exemplary readings enable the author to seriously assess the knowledge of economics found in literature and pursue poetic reflection on economic issues from a broad interdisciplinary basis. Building bridges towards micro- and macroeconomics, game theory and the New Institutional Economics opens up new horizons of interpretation. To identify, comprehend and understand shared resources of knowledge is beneficial to both disciplines: literary studies is helped to greater text comprehension by the economic interpretative approach while economics in turn receives an enormous wealth of illustrative socio-cultural material. In this sense, literature proves itself an illustrative theory.

Michael Horvath Geboren 1978; Studium der Neueren deutschen Literatur, Politikwissenschaft, Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre; 2008–14 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Finanzwissenschaft und Industrieökonomik der Technischen Universität München; Lehrbeauftragter an der Carl von Linde-Akademie der Technischen Universität München; Lehrbeauftragter am Institut für Deutsche Philologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; 2014 Promotion.


The following reviews are known:

In: — (01/2017) (Nicole Mattern)