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Thomas Pola
Das Priestertum bei Sacharja
Historische und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur frühnachexilischen Herrschererwartung
[The Priesthood in Zechariah. Studies of the History and Traditions of the Early Postexilic Anticipation of the Messianic Ruler. By Thomas Pola.]
2003. IX, 354 pages. Published in German.
The author discusses the historical problems of the early Achaemenid period in Juda as the background of the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah. Did they really promote a restoration movement? Pola does an exegesis of the book of Haggai, Zech 3, 4 and 6:9-15, including an analysis of the preexilic and exilic prophetic texts concerning the Messiah. His conclusion is that the dominance of the priesthood in the early Second Temple era must be seen as a consequence of the increasing importance of the priesthood during the exile, a fact which is shown mainly in the book of Ezekiel. According to Hag 2:20-23 and Zechariah the function of the Davidic prince, Serubbabel, was limited to laying the foundations of the Second Temple in order to emphasize its legitimacy.