
Wilhelm Hennis

Das Problem der Souveränität

Ein Beitrag zur neueren Literaturgeschichte und gegenwärtigen Problematik der politischen Wissenschaften
Mit einem Vorw. (Einleitung) v. Christian Starck

[The Problem of Sovereignty. A Contribution to the Recent History of Literature and the Current Problem of Political Science (1951). With a Foreword by Christian Starck.]

2003. XII, 127 pages.
59,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-147974-8
Published in German.
More than 50 years after its completion, Wilhelm Hennis' doctoral thesis in jurisprudence is now available in print for the first time. As the reader will notice, it has lost none of its topicality. The book contains a whole host of ideas upon which Hennis later elaborated in his works on political science. The subject of the thesis is the concept of sovereignty, in which the author sees one of the basic problems of social co-existence. For this reason he is sceptical of any sort of formalistic restriction or scholarly solution to this problem.
More than 50 years after its completion, Wilhelm Hennis' doctoral thesis in jurisprudence is now available in print for the first time. As the reader will notice, it has lost none of its topicality. The book contains a whole host of ideas upon which Hennis later elaborated in his works on political science. The subject of the thesis is the concept of sovereignty, in which the author sees one of the basic problems of social co-existence. For this reason he is sceptical of any sort of formalistic restriction or scholarly solution to this problem.

Wilhelm Hennis 1923–2012; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Göttingen; 1951 Promotion; 1960 Habilitation; 1960–62 Professor an der Universität Hannover; 1962–67 Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Hamburg; 1967–88 Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Freiburg i. Br.; seit 1988 Professor emeritus.


The following reviews are known:

In: Der Staat — Bd.42 (2003), H.3, S.483ff (Matthias Ruffert)
In: FAZ — 17.Februar 2003, Nr.40, S. 39 (Christian Geyer)
In: Zeitschr.f.Staats-u.Europawiss. — Jg.1 (2003), H.4, S.619f (Joachim J. Hesse)
In: Freiheit der Wissenschaft — 2003, H.2, S. 27f (Dr.Till Kinzel)
In: Revue Hellenique des Droits de l'homme — 2004, Nr.22, S.692
In: Badische Zeitung — 4.März 2003, S. 27 (Gert Keil)
In: Diritto e Cultura — Jg.12 (2002), H.1–2, S. 176
In: Lo Stato — 2013, 298–299