Dorothea Mund

Das Recht auf menschliche Entscheidung

Zu den verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben der technischen Erzeugung von Verwaltungsentscheidungen
[The Right to a Human Decision. On the Constitutional Requirements for Technically Generated Administrative Decisions.]
2022. XXI, 299 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161512-2
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161512-2
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As the digitisation of the public sector continues apace, Dorothea Mund seeks to outline legal boundaries to technical developments. She derives the Right of the individual to a Human Decision from fundamental rights, but also from the requirements of basic law on the organisation of the state. On the one hand, this right imposes legal limits on the technical generation of administrative decisions, on the other hand allows the development of dogmatics and shows how far automation may go in the area of administration.

Beiträge zu normativen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft (BnGG)