Christian Johannes Wahnschaffe

Das Rechtsverhältnis zwischen Schiedsorganisation und Schiedspartei

Rechtsgrundlagen, Verfahrensgarantien und Konfliktfälle
[The Legal Relationship between Arbitral Institutions and Parties to Arbitration Cases. Legal Framework, Procedural Guarantees and Conflicts.]
2023. XXVI, 342 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-162681-4
Published in German.
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Arbitral institutions perform a key role in administering legal disputes. Still, many aspects of the legal relationship to arbitral institutions remain unresolved and disputed. This book systematises the contractual legal foundation, the domestic and international legal sources that bind arbitral institutions to standards of due process and neutrality as well as the legal parameters that apply to potential conflicts and judicial intervention.

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