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Christian Traulsen

Das sakrale Asyl in der Alten Welt

Zur Schutzfunktion des Heiligen von König Salomo bis zum Codex Theodosianus
[Religious Asylum in the Old World. The Protective Function of the Sacred Place from King Solomon to the Codex Theodosianus.]
2004. XVI, 364 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-148170-3
Christian Traulsen examines the history of religious asylum in antiquity, referring to the history of ideas and the history of religion, and in doing so covers a wide spectrum ranging from altar asylum and cities of refuge in biblical Israel, supplication in the Iliad and the Odyssey and asylia and hiketeia in ancient Greece to the establishment of the right of asylum by the Christian churches in the Christian Roman empire.

Jus Ecclesiasticum (JusEccl)