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Boris Handorn
Das Sonderkollisionsrecht der deutschen internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Zur Bestimmung des anwendbaren materiellen Rechts gemäß § 1051 Abs. 1 und 2 Zivilprozessordnung
[The Law of Conflict of Laws in German International Arbitration. Determination of the Substantive Law according to Section 1051, Sub-Sections 1 and 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure.]
2005. XXI, 262 pages. Published in German.
Boris Handorn examines which particular rules arbitrators and the parties concerned have to observe in arbitration proceedings located in Germany in order to determine which substantive law is applicable. He comes to the conclusion that the European Convention on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations does not obligate the contracting states to develop conflict-of-laws rules applicable for arbitral tribunals which correspond to this Convention.