Holger Kall

Das Unsicherheitsrisiko beim Kauf

Die Geltendmachung von Gewährleistungsrechten bei Unsicherheiten hinsichtlich eines Mangels
[The »Uncertainty Risk” in the Sales Contract. Asserting Warranty Rights in the Event of Uncertainty Regarding a Defect.]
2022. XV, 278 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-161800-0
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-161800-0
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The facts of a case are only determined in a binding manner once a dispute has been adjudicated. Before that, parties to a contract regularly have to make their decisions based on uncertain grounds, which bears the risk of – in hindsight – wrong assessments that can damage the opposing party. Can a party be held liable for the consequences of such an uncertainty? Holger Kall assesses the criteria necessary for an adequate distribution of the »uncertainty risk” between the parties to a sales contract.

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