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Andreas Hunziker

Das Wagnis des Gewöhnlichen

Ein Versuch über den Glauben im Gespräch mit Ludwig Wittgenstein und Stanley Cavell
[The Venture of the Ordinary. An Essay on Faith in a Conversation with Ludwig Wittgenstein and Stanley Cavell.]
2008. IX, 333 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-149591-5
Is Christian faith possible without metaphysics? In a conversation with Wittgenstein's and Stanley Cavell's thinking, Andreas Hunziker searches for a theology of the ordinary, which perceives the life of those who have faith neither as »something which is behind nature and which makes it possible« nor as a skeptical denial of this metaphysical escapism.

Religion in Philosophy and Theology (RPT)